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Ugo Bongarzoni
Artist ,Curator and Art Critic
Artbook of the event "Mental Adventures" Hamburg 2014
(Comment about the artwork "Shelter in the forest" )
"The artwork shelter of Bongarzoni looks like an impenetrable forest where the brief glimpse of the sky and the broken white bark burst on the explosion of green that dominates nature and work. The three-dimensional effect and the tactile effect in the painting is due to the particular technical and support adopted by the artist, because the color acquires in thickness, and foliage on the branches become even more real and engaging. The observer is, because of these reasons, invited to penetrate with his eye, the intensification of nature, perceived by the farther dark green shadow. "
Artbook of the event "Artprotagonist" Padova 2015
(Comment about "Medusa", "Victoria Concordiae", "No Heaven without Hell")
The artist’s work is linked to timeless themes that refer to christian and greek mythology, as a prediction of an inevitable fate.the impact and depth of material elements impart personality to the artist’s work, revealing multiple, repetitive undulations and rhythmic composition, reminiscent of mosaic art. The alternating personalities, revealed in the paintings, announce sweeping, frenzied phases, at times marked withmore contemplative academic flavour.
The detail and richness, depicted in these personalities, are evident in the sophistication and creative genius employed in the use of numerous colour combinations.
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